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    Astral Temple


    Posts : 457
    Join date : 2018-11-02
    Species : Shapeshifter

    Astral Temple Empty Astral Temple

    Post  Lumno Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:17 pm

    So, I'm not really sure how to start this... One of the biggest projects that I've been working on for years in my astral temple. What is that you ask? It's my own little slice of the astral world that is made for me. It's more of less, my happy place. I'm not the best with astral travel yet, but I can do a little and I started making a place for myself. Many people do it.

    And my coven has started making an astral temple for when we start doing more ritual work together again. It's a little slice of the astral that is keyed so that only those that are invited in, so if we aren't all in the same place we can still be together doing our workings.

    Any thoughts?

    Posts : 589
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    Location : New York
    Species : Dragon

    Astral Temple Empty Re: Astral Temple

    Post  Hirshama Sat Nov 21, 2020 2:54 am

    Ive heard of this concept before. Maybe it was from you. Maybe elsewhere. I cant remember. I always thought it was a neat idea but never attempted to implement something like this before. Typically though when I do spiritwalk it isnt really for pleasure but for some purpose like a lesson or other reasons.

    I would be curious to try something like this though. You mentioned keys and giving people access. How does one go about doing that?

    Posts : 457
    Join date : 2018-11-02
    Species : Shapeshifter

    Astral Temple Empty Re: Astral Temple

    Post  Lumno Sun Nov 22, 2020 12:13 pm

    I guess keys isn't exactly the right word but what came to mind when I was writing. I guess a better word would be directions. Most people can just kind of go to their own places, but other's can't. So you'd have to make a path and give them directions for that path to get there. Like for the first part of getting to mine you have to go through the Hedge...(the Hedge is the border between the fay lands and the human world) so I'd have to describe how to find that particular spot, how to go through it and where to go after they did. So the keys are the specific spots or key things to look for along the path and the pattern to be followed.

    Posts : 232
    Join date : 2014-07-09
    Species : Anthro Reptile

    Astral Temple Empty Re: Astral Temple

    Post  Talon Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:24 pm

    I know many people have their 'mind palaces', or areas they've created as their retreat in their mind/spiritual plane. I also do this, but I've never given thought to the creation of an intentionally shared location. It's something I need to give a bit of thought to.

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